At Tulsa Educare, we're serious about professional development. Our school calendar includes professional development days for school staff nearly every month.
At Tulsa Educare, each classroom has a monthly budget that can be used to order supplies from several vendors.
At Tulsa Educare, we regularly compare our salaries to other companies to ensure our wages are competitive.
At Tulsa Educare, elected benefits for full-time employees and eligible dependents begin the first day of the month after their start date! Some of our affordable benefits include medical, dental, and vision options. For more information on our health plan's cost transparency visit These machine-readable files (MRF) are publicly available and accessible to all and will be updated monthly by UnitedHealthcare.
We survey Tulsa Educare employees each year to see where we’re excelling and what could use a little work. Here are a few of our most recent results!
I feel privileged to be part of this organization and am very proud to work here.
After a year of working at Tulsa Educare, I can honestly say my experience has been fantastic. I am very happy with my supervisor and feel that I am recognized for my work within the agency. Keep up the great work!
Aside from the amazing families and children I get to work with daily, Educare values me as a vital employee. My benefits and pay are top-notch for my experience & education.
I hope that Agency Leadership knows how much all your HARD work is appreciated. The agency would not be what it is today without each of you. There are so many child development centers that do not have the support and resources that we have. There are centers in the Educare network that don't have what we have. Thank you! Thank you!
Prospective Employees: View our current openings, then click a link to view descriptions and apply.
Current Employees: View open positions, then download and follow the instructions on an Internal Transfer Request located here.
If you're having trouble, please reach out to Lucy Guzman, HR Generalist, or Kendra Jacobs, Recruitment Coordinator.
Employer Paid Benefits
Additional optional benefits include:
This depends on which job you're applying for! Most of our job requirements state "or related field" when discussing degrees, so if you're looking to teach, something in Early Childhood Education or Family studies would be preferred. If you're unsure, email us, and we'll be happy to chat!
Professional Development or PD days are days we build into our calendar to allow employees time to learn and take care of things that may be difficult during regular school days. We're closed to children and families these days and may offer training, time for cleaning, class meetings, home visits, and things like that.
We are closed for an additional three days in August to train as an agency and gear up for the new school year!
Tulsa Educare offers all employees several holidays each year and around two weeks of winter break.
In addition, school staff has a week of spring break in March and a week of summer break in August.
This can vary from year to year, but You can view our calendar here.
Each full-time employee also accrues paid time off as soon as you start!
Although State Question 788 passed in Oklahoma, the possession and use of marijuana is still prohibited under federal law. Tulsa Educare employees should understand that possessing, using, or selling marijuana continues to be prohibited on any Tulsa Educare property. As a federally controlled substance, the use and possession of marijuana is prohibited by the Controlled Substance Act. This includes medical marijuana and any product containing marijuana, regardless of possession of a medical marijuana license.
Additionally, as an organization that receives federal grants, Tulsa Educare must abide by the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, which prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, and use of illicit drugs and alcohol in the workplace. This includes medical marijuana.
All employees must pass a drug test before employment, including testing negative for marijuana.